All Projects

A through M

Automobile Accidents Across United States

Analysis of reported car accidents across the United States between 2016 and 2019.
Using Python: Pandas, Matplotlib, and Plotly.

Biodiversity Dashboard

Interactive dashboard to explore Belly Button Biodiversity dataset, which catalogs the microbes that colonize human navels.
Using HTML; CSS; JavaScript: Plotly, D3.

Live Website Github
CitiBike Ridership - Jersey City

Visualizing Citi Bike data finds those born in the 1960's were a significant part of the 2019 growth in summer ridership.
Using Tableau.

Tableau Pub.
Classifying Exoplanets

Machine learning models to classify exoplanets from the raw dataset.
Using Python: Sklearn, Joblib, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib.

Doing Data Right

Lessons from San Jose, Cincinnati, and Kansas City on ways governments can be successful in their data efforts.
Cited Resource at Johns Hopkins University University - GovEx Academy.

Health and Demography in United States

Explore relationships between health risks and particular demographics.
Using HTML; CSS; JavaScript: Plotly, D3.

Live Website Github
Mapping Earthquakes

Mapping of United States Geological Survey APIs.
Using Javascript: Leaflet, D3; HTML, CSS.

Live Website Github

N through Z

Olympics Dashboard

Dynamic dashboard to review the relevance of population & GDP to countries' performances at the Olympics.
Using Python: Pandas, Flask, SQLite; JavaScript: Leaflet, Highcharts, D3; HTML. Deployed using Heroku.

Live Website Github
Predicting NBA Playoffs (1980-2020)

Machine learning with three different types of models to predict NBA play-off teams based on season statistics.
Using Python: Sklearn, Joblib, NumPy, Pandas; HTML, CSS, Javascript.

Live Website Github